Push Bars Centerville, CT – Centerville CT Locksmith Store


Centerville CT Locksmith Store Centerville, CT 203-694-0431During the Victorian era in England, there was an incident that took place in Sunderland. In 1883, 183 children died because a door had been bolted at the bottom of a stairwell, leading to a stampede and asphyxiation.  This was the Victoria Hall disaster, which soon became known as the worst disaster of its kind in British history. This lead to the creation of the panic bolts - an ancestor to the modern day push bars!

Located in area, Centerville CT Locksmith Store is a trusted locksmith service that is available at all hours and has been helping the clients, miles around for decades. We provide excellent push bars installations among others thereby elimination causalities during emergencies.

How do they work?

These are mounted on the exit doors and upon minimal exertion of force, the bars cause the door to unlock. Its simple mechanism allows easy escape during a crisis, without the need for keys to unlock the door.

Here are a few things you need to take into account while setting up emergency exits:

 1.The type of device used:

Choosing the right kind of device for your needs is important. In buildings where there are a limited number of people the management will use a two - way digital panic pad to facilitate exit. They generally have an emergency exit training procedure. However, in buildings where there are numerous people there are generally push bars installed.

2.The placement of escape doors:

The placement of escape doors is extremely important as easy access is imperative. They   shouldn’t be located in narrow corridors or on the other end of the building.

3.Safety and security:

Safety is the first priority. Therefore, installing poor quality security systems near the exits will be detrimental. These locks may not function properly when necessary and almost certainly ensure burglars breaking in. Therefore, quality should take precedence over anything else.

Seek our expertise:

With over a decade of experience, we are well trained in the installation of exit hardware according to your requirements and needs. We can give you input on where exactly to place your emergency exits and also install push bars for your building, whether it is a mall, public building, large corporation or an office. We also offer regular maintenance and ensure that your property has first class exit systems.

Call us on 203-694-0431 to avail our services today!